OPOZIV: Alfa Romeo Giulia, problemi sa kočnicama
Tačka pričvršćivanja vodova rashladnog kruga može oštetiti liniju kočionog kruga. Shodno tome, performanse kočionog sistema mogu se smanjiti i dovesti do gubitka kontrole i povećanog rizika od nezgoda.
Modeli Alfa Romeo Giulia sa ovim problemom proizvedeni su između 08. 09. 2016. – 15. 03. 2018. godine.
A fastening point of the cooling circuit line may damage the brake circuit line. Consequently, the performance of the brake system could be reduced and lead to a loss of control and an increased risk of accidents.
The Alfa Romeo Giulia models affected by this recall were produced between 8. 9. 2016 – 15. 3. 2018.
Company recall code: 8231
Source: Rapex Alert 7/2019 A12/0270/19